
Mazzucchelli, People, Territory. The importance of belonging.

Some entrepreneurial projects come from a dream. This is often true for those family businesses created by men endowed with resourcefulness and farsightedness who have firmly believed in the importance of progress not only technological but also human, not only individual but also at community level.

These are precisely those companies which are fundamentally rooted in the strong link that exists between the values ​​of the family, the values ​​of the territory they are inserted in and the values within the company.

This is the case of Mazzucchelli, who in the 170 years of its history has been able to establish itself as one of the main Italian productive and commercial realities, becoming a point of reference in the plastics sector while paying close attention to social responsibility towards  its employees and the territory.

Over the years Mazzucchelli has stood out on account not only of its constant commitment and its spirit of innovation but also of its strong adherence to its origins and of the respect it has always shown towards those who contribute, with their work , to achieve business results. A perfect combination between the family system and the company system, between family values ​​and excellent performances.

Since the past years, those who have run the company have operated turning the gaze to the family, not only the natural one but also the professional one, and have launched countless initiatives aimed at improving the quality of local life. Among these, we remember the construction of a road network, public washhouses, kindergartens and schools, a cemetery, as well as the first gas lighting, the establishment of a mutual benefit association for workers , the construction of houses for the employees, the creation of a fire brigade serving the territory, the foundation of a professional training center, the opening of food stores.

Last but not least, the great importance that has always been given to art and culture, considered a value to be sustained and cultivated. At the end of the 1960s "Polimero Arte", an aesthetic research center that hosted artists of the highest caliber from all over the world, was born. The works created with Mazzucchelli materials by these masters, considered an important artistic and cultural heritage, are now exhibited in the MAP, Museum of Plastic Art, created by the Mazzucchelli family in collaboration with the Municipality of Castiglione Olona.

Mazzucchelli 1849 _ Some entrepreneurial projects come from a dream.

This sensitivity and the guiding principles relied upon in these 170 years can be found today as well in the several welfare interventions that the company has promoted in order to favor its employees and to strengthen the strong bond that has been created with them, starting from the internal clinic that guarantees a nursing and specialist service allowing employees, retirees and their families to make free visits with doctors of different specializations, such as cardiology, gynecology, ophthalmology, general medicine, otolaryngology.
Other examples are the launch of a psychological support counselling center for employees and a female psychophysical defense course for female employees and employees' daughters.

Add to all this, the presence of a intercompany canteen, the Cral which has a large space to promote recreational activities, the Archers and Fishermen associations and their relevant areas, the installation of defibrillators in every factory and first aid training courses for workers.

Great attention is also paid to promoting a culture of safety and health. Mazzucchelli has joined the project WHP (Workplaces Health Promotion)of the Lombardy Region aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and correct behavioral habits among workers.

For all these important initiatives, Mazzucchelli has received the 2019 Welfare Index PMI award, demonstrating that for Mazzucchelli people are an indispensable resource for the company's success.

Education, culture, dialogue and comparison are the cornerstones on which this bond between Mazzucchelli and people is based. Principles that have enabled the Company to become a place where it is possible to attract and retain talents, motivating them to give their best. The result achieved is not only strictly economic, because what is obtained is something unique and important: the creation of a strong sense of belonging. Workers look at the company as a second family, within which there is room for motivation, involvement, open dialogue and awareness and development of their potential. The relationship between the employees and the company thus becomes a relationship marked by an important value, the value of loyalty.


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