
Mazzucchelli at SIM Conference 2020

SIM conference 2020 MAzzucchelli 1849

Società Italiana Marketing has set itself the goal of promoting and disseminating market culture in universities and companies for years. Its intent is to help the academic and entrepreneurial communities by providing the right positioning of the marketing tool both in terms of innovation and in terms of cultural consolidation in order to support, on the one hand, universities, providing them with the means to improve the quality of the scientific and cultural marketing production and, on the other hand, companies by increasing their marketplace potentiality.

Among the tools that Società Italiana Marketing uses to achieve this goal there is the SIM Conference, a meeting that is organized every year and which represents an important occasion of reflection and sharing to understand and elevate the role of marketing within the Italian entrepreneurial fabric as well as a fundamental opportunity for discussion between academic researchers and professionals in the sector.

Each year SIM Conference is dedicated to a theme concerning markets and competitiveness. In 2020 the subject of the conference, which was held on 29 and 30 October at the LIUC University of Castellanza, was "Marketing for a better society".

Mazzucchelli was invited to attend the conference represented, as Product Development Manager, by Elena Orsi Mazzucchelli who was asked to talk about the aesthetic dimension expressed, within the company, by two aspects that have always characterize it: beauty and well done. The aesthetic value, therefore, and the quality of its products. The form and the substance.

Mazzucchelli has always been committed to ensuring that the materials it offers to its customers are beautiful, the result of a balance of colors, designs, ideas as well as continuous study and research, combining this attention to the aesthetic aspect with a constant commitment to the technical and quality characteristics of these materials. To reach this goal, Mazzucchelli relies on a Product Development Team (Centro O), founded in the 1970s, which supports designers and eyewear manufacturers in the creation of dedicated colors and which, alongside this privileged consultancy, is also involved in creating every year about 50 collections available to all customers. To support the Product Development Team in this important work, Mazzucchelli has several laboratories led by highly qualified technicians who work daily in close contact with Centro O to study the implementation of industrial processes capable of creating uniqueness in series. In this way, products that combine beauty and functionality, culture and technology are created. A team work, therefore, in which people play a role of primary importance as they become part of the material turning it into something unique and in which creativity, professionalism, technical skills, commitment and passion merge to achieve a common goal: create products that are beautiful and that reflect Mazzucchelli's values. A company that has always shown its belief in beauty at 360°. From product to people, from processes to sustainability.

In support of this latter aspect, Mazzucchelli created for SIM conference a pair of glasses made from 100% cellulose acetate recovered from processing waste. This glasses, together with M49 and Acetate Renew™ projects, perfectly fits into the framework of awareness and attention to sustainability issues that Mazzucchelli has been pursuing for some time. In fact, it is this awareness that has guided the company towards increasingly sustainable products. Cellulose acetate already has wood pulp as its main component (which derives from sustainably managed forests). In addition, since 2010, M49 has been offering to the market a bioplastic that has improved the green characteristics of cellulose acetate by introducing the use of a plasticizer of natural origin making the product 100% biodegradable and 100% recyclable. And today, feeling the need to design sustainable development paths that look at products and processes taking into account their entire life cycle, Mazzucchelli is collaborating with its own prestigious partner, Eastman, on a total sustainability project, which reduce the plastic waste normally sent to landfills, but regenerates them by converting them into virgin raw material: Acetate Renew™.

All these projects arise from an important awareness: each of us can and must do something for the generations to come and for the future of our planet. This thought has a name for us: Becycle.

BeCycle is an exhortation to be part of a virtuous cycle where every player in the supply chain up to the final consumer can choose products with a lower environmental impact.


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